The Privilege Of Photography Actor Doug Jones

Photographing actor Doug Jones was a unique and privileged experience. Doug Jones is known for his incredible talent in bringing various characters to life through his performances, often portraying creatures and otherworldly beings in films and television shows. As a portrait photographer, capturing such a versatile actor undoubtedly presented some artistic opportunities.

One aspect of privilege in photographing Doug Jones lay in the chance to work with a subject who has a remarkable ability to convey emotions and stories through his characters. Jones is not only a physically expressive performer but also someone who has successfully embodied iconic roles, such as the amphibious creature in “The Shape of Water” or the Silver Surfer in “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.” This diversity in roles offered me a wide range of creative possibilities to explore and capture.

Additionally, photographing Doug Jones also provided the privilege of collaborating with a professional who understood the visual language of storytelling. His experience in the film industry and his understanding of how characters are portrayed on-screen led to a more collaborative and dynamic photoshoot.  I had the opportunity to discuss and experiment with different poses, expressions, and moods to convey the essence of Jones’s diverse on-screen personas.

In summary, photographing Doug Jones was a unique privilege for me as a photographer due to his extraordinary talent, diverse roles, and the opportunity for collaborative creativity. It was a chance to capture not just a person but the essence of characters that left a mark on the world of cinema.

Ready to book your next headshot session?  Give me a call at 323-493-2552

What Makes A Great LinkedIn Profile Photo?

What makes a great LinkedIn profile photo?

As a headshot photographer, I’ve had the privilege of taking photos of countless professionals.  These headshots are used on LinkedIn profiles and company websites.  Here are some tips to ensure your headshot stands out and makes a lasting impression:

Clarity is Key: Opt for a high-resolution image that showcases your face clearly. A crisp, well-lit photo exudes professionalism and grabs attention.  You don’t want to have a grainy low quality headshot.

Dress the Part: Your attire should align with your industry and the image you want to convey. Dress professionally and choose colors that complement your skin tone.  Sometimes I’ll ask my client what others are wearing on their company website, so that the shots I take will be similar to their colleagues.

Natural Light Magic: Whenever possible, choose natural light for your photoshoot. It enhances your features and creates a warm, approachable look.  I am mainly a natural light photographer and I love the professional shots that I take.

Eye Contact Matters: Maintain direct eye contact with the camera. It establishes trust and shows you’re engaged.  I’ve had clients ask me if they could have a photo of them looking away from the camera. I always suggest they look directly at the camera.

Mind the Background: Opt for a clean, uncluttered background that doesn’t distract from your face. A neutral backdrop keeps the focus where it belongs—you!

Keep it Current: Regularly update your profile photo to reflect your current appearance. It ensures authenticity and helps people recognize you in professional settings.  This is important especially if you’ve changed your hairstyle or now have facial hair.

Remember, your LinkedIn profile photo is often the first impression you make in the professional world. Invest the time to create an image that truly represents you and your personal brand. 

Ready to book your next headshot session?  Give me a call at 323-493-2552

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New Year - New Headshot!

What’s the importance in getting a new headshot this year?  Updating your headshot at the beginning of the new year is essential for presenting the best version of yourself in both personal and professional spheres.  Whether you’re navigating job searches, attending networking events, or aiming for career growth, a contemporary and polished headshot can make a significant impact. Take the first step towards success in the new year – schedule your session today and let your updated image speak volumes about your confidence and commitment to personal and professional excellence. Your journey to a powerful first impression starts now.

Call me today at 323-493-2552 to book your photo session!

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